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Barbossa sacrifices himself to kill Salazar. Elizabeth Swann (later Elizabeth Turner) appears in the first three films in the series (The Curse of the Black Pearl, Dead Man's Chest, and At World's End) and is the leading lady, portrayed by Keira Knightley. ¿Dónde…La sexualidad no es algo estanco limitado a un tipo de personas o actividades determinadas. Barbossa and Ragetti release Calypso from her human form.
If he fails, she will kill him. Henry saw the distraught in Carina's eyes as she just found and lost her father, he pondered on how to approach her as Jack helped him win her over by giving Henry her diary so he could return it to her. Before Salazar can deliver the final blow to Jack, Henry destroys the Trident, which breaks all curses at sea, and makes Salazar and his crew mortal once again. He captures Henry Turner while the others reach land. As to why she never appeared in any further films in the franchise, Saldana commented in a later interview that she almost quit acting due to an "elitist" business environment and disrespect from film crew.Both Elizabeth and the Governor sailed from England to the Caribbean eight years prior to Weatherby later appears as a ghost in Davy Jones' Locker, along with the souls of many others who have died at sea. She will also fully give her love to Jones, and they reconcile. Barbara Fredrickson, psicóloga de la Universidad de Carolina del Norte…Al hablar sobre la inteligencia y su estudio científico, no podemos omitir, entre otros, el nombre de Charles Spearman.

Salazar possesses Henry, which allows him to walk on the dry land where the Trident is located.

A pesar de las numerosas definiciones, parece existir acuerdo en que la…Con más frecuendia de la esperada, la realidad supera la ficción. En 1846, Turner vive en una pequeña casa a orillas de un río en Chelsea con una mujer viuda. She responds to his anger by saying that Jones never would have loved her if not for her uncontrollable and unpredictable nature. Elizabeth Swann takes the medallion from Will Turner.

She confronts Beckett in his office and holds a pistol to his head, forcing him to sign and validate his Letters of Marque, so she can use them to free Will.

Despite thanking him for the victory against Barbossa, Norrington reluctantly agrees to obey the law and hang Jack for piracy. Henry then dove into the water and was nearly attacked but Jack narrowly managed to save him from being eaten, as they crashed on a nearby island where Jack was confronted by the undead specter of his nemesis Salazar. Calypso is also furious that the Pirate Lords trapped her in her human form. Mercer falls to the deck, dead, as Jones takes the key to the Dead Man's Chest from around his neck.Teague serves as the Keeper of the Pirate Code, which he keeps with him at Shipwreck Cove. A la edad de 10 años fue enviado a vivir fuera de Londres, en Middlesex, donde comenzó a cursar la escuela secundaria. Ya lo dijo Benedetti “En la balanza coloco mis odios a un lado; en el otro, mis amores. La ceniza volcánica afectó todo el hemisferio norte del planeta.

She is the daughter of Governor Weatherby Swann.In the third film, she marries Will Turner.. Not wanting to let the captain kill them all Henry ran to the helm, trying to change the course by force, striking a Maddox and the two Marines carried Henry below deck, throwing him into the A few hours later, while sneaking through the town under the cover of rain, Henry saw a group of soldiers led by Mayor After brief skepticism that the prisoner was the real Jack Sparrow, due to his current poor state, Henry soon revealed himself as Will and Elizabeth's son, to Jack's surprise as he didn't know that his old friends had a child.