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Team SoloMid was founded by Reginald in September 2009 as a On June 16, 2019, TSM acquired the former roster of the Rainbow Six Siege Pro League team Excelerate Gaming along with popular streamer, Jason "Beaulo" Doty. The team's first match of the playoffs was in the semifinals against 5th seed For winning the spring split, TSM was awarded $100,000,At the 2017 Mid Seasonal Invitational, TSM played against the Vietnamese team Gigabyte Marines (GAM) and won 3-2 qualifying for the main event. Team SoloMid then lost to The first tournament in 2012 that Team SoloMid attended was the IEM Season VI - Global Challenge Kiev, held on January 19. In the grand finals, Team SoloMid took on Team SoloMid Evo, whom TSM defeated 2–1. Due to their lacklustre performance in Spring and not getting very far either in Summer, they did not immediately secure a place at Worlds 2019, where 100 Thieves became the 2nd seed from NA. Team SoloMid won the entire set of matches in the playoffs of the tournament, winning against MRN 2–0, Counter Logic Gaming EU 2–1, FnaticRC 2-0 and Dignitas 2–0. Spica has been a high ranked solo queue player on the North American ladder for the past couple of years. TSM advanced through the Loser's Bracket with a 2–0 victory over Dignitas and played against Epik Gamer in the grand finals. League of Legends: TSM won its ninth game of the 2020 League of Legends Championship Series Summer Split against Counter Logic Gaming, and in doing so, joined Cloud9 and Team Liquid in post-season qualification. In the grand finals, Team SoloMid lost to Moscow Five 1–2 and placed second place.Two months after Kiev, on March 13, 2012, TheRainMan resigned from Team SoloMid, citing differences in training regimen plans, as TheRainMan wanted to focus more on solo queue while the rest of Team SoloMid wanted to focus on full team scrims.After the roster reformation, Team SoloMid played in the Leaguecraft ggClassic tournament, which ran from March 17 to April 1. In 2011, the organization began fielding a team in professional LoL competitions. They started competition in the Pro League in Season 10 the same day.On May 22, 2020, TSM announced their move into the The team first began competing in early 2011 with a lineup of Saintvicious, Reginald, Chaox, TheOddOne, and Locodoco.

Team SoloMid then met the French against All authority squad in the semifinals of the double elimination playoffs. Biofrost is returning to TSM for season 10 after spending the past two years on CLG, during which his leadership skills developed greatly. Sergen ‘BrokenBlade’ Çelik joined TSM in the preseason leading up to Season 9 of the NA LCS to be the team’s starting top laner. His consistent dominance in North America has led to many to regard him as one the best mid laner in the West, commanding great respect from analysts and competitors internationally.Returning to TSM in April 2020, Yiliang ‘Doublelift’ Peng is the organization’s superstar AD Carry and one of the most storied individuals in the NA LCS.

His champion pool epitomized the assassin-heavy meta of early Season 4. At the event, Team SoloMid finished third place in the group stage, with a final standing of 1–2, defeating On October 9, 2011, the team participated in the IGN ProLeague Season 3 in Atlantic City. The team also won the NA LCS Spring Playoffs.At the NA LCS Summer Season TSM placed 3rd and ended the season with a .500 record of 14–14, coming .On October 20, 2013, it was announced that Ninjaken would join Team SoloMid as substitute.On November 1, 2013, Team SoloMid announced Altec as a substitute.Team SoloMid's first competition after the World Championship was the Battle of the Atlantic, in which North American teams competed against European teams. After good showings on their academy team, Spica was promoted to TSM`s primary LCS squad, where he will be looking to prove his abilities on a larger stage.Currently the longest tenured member on the TSM League of Legends team, Søren ‘Bjergsen’ Bjerg is one of the cornerstones of the team’s success since he joined in 2013. It was unclear which jungler suited TSM the best, but it was soon decided half-way through the season that they would keep Akaadian as their starting jungler.

Team Liquid by LoL Esports at LCS Summer 2020; 2020-06-14 | DIG vs. TSM / Week 1 / Summer Split 2020 / Dignitas vs. TSM by LoL Esports at LCS Summer 2020 was a League of Legends community and guides website, very well known in the early days of the LoL scene. The hackers vandalized the community website by replacing it with obscene imagery. TSM won against compLexity 2–0 in the first round, but lost to Epik Gamer 1–2 in the semifinals, sending them to play for third place.