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When you are up against a team like France you have to adapt. Thereafter it was all France again, but Henry struck the woodwork with a fine lob and Sylva, who cannot get a game for Monaco, stood firm. ‘’Et le plus tôt sera le mieux’’, a souligné l’ancien pensionnaire d’Aldo Gentina. If Diouf caught the eye, Senegal's display was notable also for its physical power. The defending champions struggled to find their stride and clearly suffered from Zinedine Zidane's withdrawal through injury. ‘’Et une victoire contre l’équipe de France championne du monde en titre peut ouvrir de belles perspectives pour notre équipe nationale, qu’on doit pousser à aller à la conquête de la prochaine CAN’’, a dit Faye.Par ailleurs, il invite les autorités à réhabiliter le stade Léopold-Sédar-Senghor qui, selon lui, est le lieu indiqué pour accueillir une telle rencontre.‘’Nous savons que la France dispose des infrastructures qu’il faut pour accueillir un match pareil, mais comme la Fédération française de football ne serait pas contre une telle rencontre, nous devons être prêts à la recevoir’’, a ajouté l’ancien milieu de terrain.Moussa Ndiaye, un des héros de France-Sénégal (0-1) du 31 mai 2002, partage cet avis. Juan Cayasso condemned the Scots to one of their darkest days with the only goal, from Claudio Jara's back-heel. Despite enjoying the majority of possession they lacked the inspiration and imagination that Zidane provides. France's best moments tended to come through Thierry Henry and David Trezeguet. L'action la plus...Déjà sacré champion d'Angleterre depuis plusieurs semaines, Liverpool a fini sa saison en s'imposant sur le terrain de Newcastle (3-1)...L’ailière des lionnes quitte les Etats Unis. The 21-year-old was let down only by the frequency with which he was caught offside. We had a tactical game plan and you have to feel satisfied when it comes off. Senegal celebrate their winning goal. "We played a good team who deserved to win," Patrick Vieira said. Not long after Trezeguet's misfortune, Senegal scored. The African team defended with discipline, stifled their opponents with a 4-5-1 formation and occasionally broke with menace. Friday, 31 May, 2002, 13:23 GMT 14:23 UK Senegal stun France. Il souhaite que la Fédération sénégalaise de football s’attèle à l’organisation d’un match Sénégal-France. Lemerre's team are left with no margin for error and might be interested to know that no team has won the The most humiliating defeat in England's history. D’anciens internationaux interrogés par l’APS disent être favorables, comme Henri Camara, à un remake du match Sénégal-France de la Coupe du monde 2002, afin de faire passer symboliquement le relais à leurs cadets.Dans un entretien à l’Observateur, L’ancien international sénégalais Souleymane Sané a abordé plusieurs sujets, notamment le niveau du championnat local...L'ancien défenseur de Liverpool Dejan Lovren admet qu'il y a de la concurrence entre Mohamed Salah et Sadio Mane, mais...Manchester City n'a pas été assez bon au cours de la saison écoulée, l'attaque de l'équipe de Pep Guardiola a...La défense de Naples a souffert hier lors de la défaite face au FC Barcelone hier (1-3). If that was in part because of the organisation and fierce tackling of Senegal, it also reflected the extent to which they rely on the inspiration of Zidane. "We're so strong, we'll win without problems," he said. Diouf repeatedly harassed the French defence into mistakes and was instrumental in Bouba Diop's goal. Trezeguet and Thierry Henry had chances which they failed to convert and Patrick Vieira's free header from a corner went straight to goalkeeper Tony Sylva. The only official international ever played between the two Germanys was supposed to end in simple victory for the West German hosts against their amateur opponents, but Jürgen Sparwasser's goal in the 77th minute changed that. The pair combined for Trezeguet to hit the post at 0-0 and, if Zidane fails to recover from his thigh injury to face Uruguay on Thursday, Lemerre might profit from switching to a 4-4-2 which allows them to play through the middle rather than having Henry on the left flank much of the time. Roger Lemerre's team were patient to the extent of being pedestrian at times, and in an open game their probing play was often predictable. Barthez and Petit's misjudgement at the near post was symptomatic of France's play. "It won't mean anything to get a good result against France and then go out of the tournament with three points." The glory of their 1998 campaign now seems a distant memory after Senegal's sensational World Cup debut four years on. It is too early to suggest their title defence is in tatters; Argentina responded to that opening defeat in 1990 by reaching the final. It was the first time a Central American team had won a Still - going into this tournament- the Republic's only The rebound fell to Diop who, despite being on the ground, hooked a shot into an empty net. Such thoughts, though, mattered little to Senegal. Sat 1 Jun 2002 07.19 EDT First published on Sat 1 Jun 2002 07.19 EDT. The African footballer of the year signalled his intent in the early stages, beating Marcel Desailly on the right flank, before turning his attentions to Frank Leboeuf. I said before this tournament that we were not going to be the Jamaica of this Diouf is expected to be in the Premiership next season with Liverpool and showed what talent he has. After all the hype and build-up and a spectacular opening ceremony, the first match of the tournament lived up to expectations - even if France did not. Dix-huit ans après la victoire historique du Sénégal contre la France en ouverture de la Coupe du Monde de la FIFA, Corée/Japon 2002, des acteurs reviennent avec sur cette entrée en fanfare au Mondial 2002, le 31 mai à Séoul. Fadiga's effort stung France into action and moments later, after latching on to a Christophe Dugarry flick-on, Henry stabbed a shot onto Sylva's crossbar.