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on January 8th, 2020 99% Invisible. Reviewing what other businesses have done is a smart (and fun!) This is a collection of 26 blogs— spanning multiple industries— that I believe are good examples of good blog designs.My work is supported by affiliate commissions— so I may earn a comission if you choose a website builder based on this article.
on February 4th, 2020 Besoin de conseils en marketing et en design graphique ? They are direct and to the point, but worth it if you have enough discipline to follow their tactics.Lili is a travel blogger but different from many of the others.

He's previously worked for companies like Apple and Microsoft before branching on his own. User Experience Design CGIA - …

With more than 1.4 million impressions a week, it’s the go-to profile to follow if you want to read public opinions about logos — every post has a stream of lively comments about typography, colors, and other design factors.Logo Place shares logos from artists around the web.

Le Blog Esprit Design est comme son nom l’indique un blog dédié au Design présentant une certaine vision, de l’idée à la création, de l’inspiration à la fabrication, de la main à l’outil, de l’artisan au designer. Website Redesign With designers Paula Scher (featured in Brandon Nicks is a freelance graphic designer in New York City. Find tips on doing it in a laid back and fun teaching manner. Social Media Marketing Website Design The post feed uses excerpts to help give the user more context into what the article will be about and includes a prominent read more button that can’t be missed.Overall, DigitalMarketer does a great job of not cluttering its sidebar with ads or CTAs.The team chose to include a  simple blog search, its most popular posts and a single, valuable offer CTA that follows you down the page.Next up is Sprout Social. From buying a one way trip to Europe and never looking back. Purgo Tea. Email Marketing Kisty Mea is a traveling blogger that loves to write about what she sees among other lifestyle tips. Wistia also gives you all the information you need to evaluate the post before clicking -- the category, a clear headline, plus a great excerpt that makes you want to read more.It also highlights the author and when it was published, which may seem like a small thing but is actually very important.

Money Mustache is exactly what it sounds like! on July 26th, 2020 She focuses on fashion, and lifestyle. How to be more wealthy. on January 15th, 2020
The Airbnb Blog. on November 29th, 2019

Jeter un oeil aux derniers concours lancés sur 99designs! If you want logo inspiration, we recommend Founded in 2008, the World Brand Design Society (WBDS) is an internationally focused community, dedicated to highlighting exceptional branded packaging and corporate brand design. on June 5th, 2020 Retrouvez son travail juste Le site vise à partager leurs découvertes artistiques car selon les deux graphistes: « avoir une culture artistique large joue un rôle important dans la qualité et la diversité de notre travail. on January 15th, 2020 Abonnez-vous à notre newsletter et recevez des conseils créatifs, tendances graphiques, et réductions exclusives.

top 5 architecture and design blogs for design inspiration. A good blog design becomes a part of the stories you tell. Created by visual designer Matt Corbin, the account shares some of the most memorable flat logos in history alongside the more obscure. we start searching color combinations, textures, styles. Grovemade Blog. The blog has won several accolades some of them being the Vuelio No 1 UK Interiors Blog and the Amara Interior Blog Awards Best Design Inspiration Blog.

This is a collection of 26 blogs— spanning multiple industries— that I believe are good examples of good blog designs. on August 30th, 2019 We all know how important content is to any marketing campaign.The blog, for example, has become the cornerstone of any successful website; guiding users in with targeted, relevant, and engaging content and ultimately delighting with them so much they convert and subscribe to get more.The fact is, more users will enter your website (and find your brand) via your blog articles than ever your homepage, so , to quickly give you the ability to revamp your blog and optimize your user’s experience.When it comes to blog design, there are a variety of different factors to look at, including font sizes, hierarchy, calls-to-action, and text width, among other things.With so many things to take into account, it can be nerve-racking to take on a new blog design That’s exactly why I wanted to compile some great examples of user-focused blog design inspiration to help best deliver your content and keep your readers coming back for more!Author’s Note: All of these blogs are being viewed on a 13” Macbook Pro. Logosauce. on January 29th, 2020