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The West African umbrella organization ECOWAS effectively blockaded Mali, the European Union declared the coup “can in no way be a response to the deep sociopolitical crisis that has hit Mali for several months,” and counter-terrorist agencies braced for the awful security situation in the Sahel to get even worse.“We are following with concern the development of the situation today in Mali. Marié et père de 9 enfants Toumani Djimé Diallo est né à Koulikoro en 1948. Seven years later, another coup Mutinous soldiers drove through Bamako on Tuesday firing their stolen weapons in the air, rolled through cheering crowds of anti-government protesters, set the justice ministry on fire, took Keita and his prime minister hostage, and demanded the entire government resign. French military and government officials denied the accusations of misbehavior…. Il n’est pas exclu que l’Ambassadeur du Mali en France, Toumani Djimé Diallo, ait provoqué son départ afin de rallier le pays à un moment où son épouse est à la croisée des chemins. Keita’s officials found it necessary to negotiate with Dicko even before they tried working out a deal with their elected political opponents.Dicko is seen as an Islamic “conservative” and mystic — among other positions, he views homosexuality as a disease Mali caught from contact with the decadent West — but not a hardline fundamentalist or jihadi. TOUMANI DJIMÉ DIALLO, un héros national rappelé par un gouvernement sans conviction. Il a été professeur de Phytotechnie et d’Economie rurale . I don’t feel any hatred,” he concluded.Man-on-the-street interviews in Bamako revealed a mixture of surprise at the speed of the coup and apathy over Keita’s fate. Keita complied with their demands a few hours later, after his captors ignored demands from the African Union and United Nations to unconditionally release him.“Today, certain parts of the military have decided that intervention was necessary. Political unrest in Mali this year included accusations that French troops stationed in Mali were engaging in “rowdy behavior” and indulging in “excesses” in the red-light districts of Mali’s capital Bamako, as Malian Ambassador to France Toumani Djime Diallo put it. Situation de famille : Marié et père de 9 enfants Nationalité : malienne Age : 65 ans Lieu de naissance : Koulikoro (Mali) Parents : Djimé et Seynabou DIALLO French military and government officials denied the accusations of misbehavior.Keita was re-elected to a second term in 2018, but allegations of corruption and incompetence in Muslim cleric Mahmoud Dicko. Jihadi organizations, including the Islamic State and al-Qaeda, continued building their strength in the Sahel throughout the past decade.Political unrest in Mali this year included accusations that French troops stationed in Mali were engaging in “rowdy behavior” and indulging in “excesses” in the red-light districts of Mali’s capital Bamako, as Malian Ambassador to France Toumani Djime Diallo put it.“It makes people afraid, it makes tongues wag,” Diallo in February. Keita took office in 2013 promising that the days of mutinies, coups, and juntas were over, but in the end, he was overthrown by one of the swiftest coups in recent history.The president was supported by Western governments, most notably France, which has  against tribalism and the rise of Islamic extremism in the Sahel region around the Sahara Desert for years. But since yesterday morning, in any case the population had abandoned the president,” one Bamako resident told On the other hand, most of the international and intra-African community condemned the coup. Keita took office in 2013 promising that the days of mutinies, coups, and juntas were over, but in the end, he was overthrown by one of the swiftest… The US opposes any unconstitutional change of government, whether by those on the streets or by the defense and security forces,” said U.S. special envoy Dr. J. Peter Pham on Tuesday.The next step for the coup plotters is uncertain. Mali’s President Ibrahim Boubacar Keita resigned Tuesday after being held prisoner for a few hours, along with Prime Minister Boubou Cisse, by a force of mutinous soldiers. Political unrest in Mali this year included accusations that French troops stationed in Mali were engaging in “rowdy behavior” and indulging in “excesses” in the red-light districts of Mali’s capital Bamako, as Malian Ambassador to France Toumani Djime Diallo put it. Mali’s President Ibrahim Boubacar Keita resigned Tuesday after being held prisoner for a few hours, along with Prime Minister Boubou Cisse, by a force of mutinous soldiers. Mali’s President Ibrahim Boubacar Keita resigned Tuesday after being held prisoner for a few hours, along with Prime Minister Boubou Cisse, by a force of mutinous soldiers.