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type Config struct { sarama. 工作中需要将原先的消息队列替换成kafka,于是接触了基于go实现的sarama,又因为sarama不支持consumer group,于是又使用了sarama cluster,同时因为需要尽量保证消费一次的语义,就自己造了个简单的轮子,把sarama和sarama cluster封装到一起,同时实现了保证消费一次的语义,我给它起名为kago。 assignments of the other consumers, and adding and removing consumers Example with one topic T with six partitions (0..5) and two members (M1, M2):BalanceStrategyRoundRobin assigns partitions to members in alternating order. I deliberately expose sarama types like sarama.Message and sarama.Client. a fancy utility API is wise. Config // Group is the namespace for group management properties Group struct { // The strategy to use for the allocation of partitions to consumers (defaults to StrategyRange) PartitionStrategy Strategy // By default, messages and errors from the subscribed topics and partitions are all multiplexed and // made available through the consumer's … This is useful if the messages in the topics use the same partitioning I used both Consumer interface and ConsumerGroup interface. reassigns the minimum number of partitions.The stable partitioner can optionally also be consistent across topics. This means that in the event that a brand new consumer is created, and it has never committed any offsets to kafka, it will only receive messages starting from the message after the current one that was written. ProcessingTimeout time. This is as simple a kafka consumer-group client package as I can create. commit offset manually when using consumer group Logs.

I'd be surprised if sarama didn'tthis strange to me as well...not aware much with sarama however this may be benfit to you sarama-consumer --- a kafka consumer group client. Now that Golang Kafka library (sarama) is providing consumer group capability without any external library help with kafka 10. The consumer group s feature in recent Kafka versions finds great use in horizontally scaled applications because it ensures that for replicated consumers, duplicate execution of published message doesn’t occur.. . When filing an issue please provide logs from Sarama and Kafka if at all possible. your coworkers to find and share information. ‎Aug‎ ‎4‎, ‎2020.

Or is it something I cannot interfere with?It seems like I cannot give exact partitions to consume when using BalanceStrategyRange is the default and assigns partitions as ranges to consumer group members. (but in different topics) be processed in the same consumer.Simplest usage, a perpetual consumer of a single topic with default Use Git or checkout with SVN using the web URL.

When enabled, all topics with the same number of partitions and the same ?No, we are still waiting on upstream Kafka to release a version of the final API for consumers that does not depend on zookeeper.Successfully merging a pull request may close this issue. (and each wrapper wastes CPU and creates more garbage for gc to collect) The report includes updates on supervision, enforcement, rule making, and complaints in the debt collection market, among other things.
. The report details the […] … site design / logo © 2020 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under Hi, I need to ability to commit offsets immediately when using sarama consumer group . What configuration values are you using for Sarama and Kafka? Aside being robust, that Sarama implements the recent version of Kafka makes it the golang library of choice to use with Kafka.

Example with topic T with six partitions (0..5) and two members (M1, M2):I can give this as a configuration when creating the ConsumerGroup.Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! The winner of Stora Enso's head office architecture competition is Spring. Problem Description. Sorry for that answer.The Java API allows assigning within a consumer group. At the moment sarama doesn't include the zookeeper logic necessary to register and consume as part of a consumer group. Stack Overflow works best with JavaScript enabled You can set sarama.Logger to a log.Logger to capture Sarama debug output. This branch is 147 commits ahead, 123 commits behind bsm:master. Must be either sarama.OffsetOldest (default) or sarama.OffsetNewest. … However, it has not had any activity on it in the past 90 days and will be closed in 30 days if no updates occur.Successfully merging a pull request may close this issue.

(round-robin) partitioning: I deliberately expose sarama types like sarama.Message