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// Adds a marker to the map and push to the array.

Individual markers will appear quicker than before, mostly due to the grid size providing less chance of marker overlap. But it has to be presented in a way that can be easily understood–with just a quick glance conveying the big picture and encouraging users to explore more. There are fewer than 25 locations, but they’re close enough together that they can’t all be shown on the map without creating overlap.If your map looks like this, it might keep users from absorbing all the great information you’re trying to present.

function addMarker(location) { var marker = new google.maps.Marker({ position: location, map: map }); markers.push(marker); } // Sets the map on all markers in the array. Click The Marker to Zoom. Add to and update the map with Google Map Maker, and see your edits in Google Maps. Credit: Google Map API official docs: Hello World 2. If a marker could potentially be part of multiple clusters, it will be added to the nearest based on the The default settings and algorithm will cover most use cases, but since the code is entirely open source, you can make any changes you need.The easiest way to make a clustered map your own is to use your own icons. By default, the Google Maps marker is red in color. Subsequent markers within that sector will be added to a cluster for that sector, then the center of a cluster will update based on the average of all its markers.

See the marker clustering guide for a complete example with more points, or read on for more about how marker clustering works and the options you can tweak for your own projects.. How marker clustering works The marker clustering library is part of the open source map utilities on GitHub.You can access all of the code and even make changes if needed. This is done by adding an icon property and specifying a URL for it like below.To get the URL of more marker icons, please refer to Open the HTML file in the browser. Features: • Offline maps! Instead, you can manually zoom in. The labelContent contains the text that will be displayed as title/label. Question: How can we add the default Google Maps markers to the map? From this Github issue, it seems that we need to access the internal Google Maps API using the onGoogleApiLoaded function.. MAP is very important functionality to display direction of address into contact us page,You can also add map into wiki … It should look like this:You can get the full final version of the code from Feel free to check out another Google Maps tutorial I have written: The position, map and the icon attributes are similar to the Marker’s attributes, however, the other parameters go through the properties of the new object.. From that information, the marker clusterer library takes over and displays the cluster icon with a count of the number of points contained in the cluster:Click on the cluster icon and the map bounds will zoom to the level where both markers are visible:When you zoom out a few levels, the cluster icon will return in place of the two markers once the map is at a level where they’d be likely to overlap.To begin, the algorithm divides the map into a grid, with each section of the grid defaulting to 60x60 pixels. Use this new knowledge to give your users a better experience on maps that show many markers. Now we want to zoom when a user is clicking on the marker (We attach an event handler to a marker that zooms the map when clicked). We will create map using constant address and get coordinate to display marker on that location.