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c) The orientation and scale characteristics were defined by periodic astronomic azimuth and base line measurements. Data source: OGP . Attributes. He died suddenly in 1878 and after his death Clarke was made acting head of the Survey until the appointment of Colonel Anthony C. Cooke.From 1881 Clarke's involvement with geodesy becomes more and more tenuous. </gml:secondDefiningParameter> <gml:Ellipsoid xmlns:epsg="urn:x-ogp:spec:schema-xsd:EPSG:1.0:dataset" xmlns:gml="http://www.opengis.net/gml/3.2" gml:id="epsg-ellipsoid-7012"> L'ellipsoïde de révolution ("sphère aplatie aux pôles") est un modèle mathématique utilisé pour exprimer des coordonnées géographiques afin d'effectuer des calculs sur une surface proche de celle de la terre.

As a result, the county maps were only loosely tied to the principal triangulation and no attempt was made to revise them. An Earth ellipsoid is a mathematical figure approximating the Earth's form, used as a reference frame for computations in geodesy, astronomy, and the geosciences.Various different ellipsoids have been used as approximations..

Revision date: 1998-04-16. Also known as Clarke Modified 1880. EPSG:7012 Ellipsoid for Adopts Clarke's values for a and 1/f. Also known as Clarke Modified 1880. This had already been done for some pairs of standards, but a new, high precision comparison of all the standards was now required. Col. Clarke was for some 25 years the scientific and mathematical adviser for the Ordnance Survey, and while acting in that capacity he became known to the whole scientific world as possessing unique knowledge and power in dealing with the complex questions which arise in the science of geodesy.

His determination of the ellipticity and dimensions of the earth from the great arcs of meridian and longitude involved a very high mathematical ability and an enormous amount of labour. Adopts Clarke's values for a and 1/f. Powered by EPSG database 9.8 He himself was acknowledged as one of greatest geodesists in the world and he was honoured with fellowships at the Royal Society of London (1862) and the Philosophical Society of Cambridge (1871).

The name Clarke Modified is usually taken to be the RGS modification.</epsg:remarks> He was an officer of the Royal Engineers employed on the Ordnance Survey <epsg:alias alias="Clarke Modified 1880" code="62" codeSpace="urn:ogc:def:naming-system:EPSG::7301"> He presented the results in two reports: The conversion is 1 metre = 3.280869367 feet (as given in the 1866 paper).

Unit: metre. International connections: the longitudinal arc at 52°N, 1863 harvtxt error: multiple targets (2×): CITEREFClarke1861 (International connections: the longitudinal arc at 52°N, 1863The Clarke Family Bible shows that David Clarke's eldest daughter was born at Canterbury in 1834 (David Clarke was born on 28 February 1800 at Keddale in the parish of Durness.

Col Alexander Ross Clarke FRS FRSE (1828–1914) was a British geodesist, primarily remembered for his calculation of the Principal Triangulation of Britain (1858), the calculation of the Figure of the Earth (1858, 1860, 1866, 1880) and one of the most important text books of Geodesy (1880). However, Clarke estimated the errors of the results and found that the error in longitudes could be as much as 20°. His wife, Eliza Ann, died in 1887. Ellipsoïde IAG-GRS80 . He was also elected a Corresponding Member of the Russian Imperial Academy of Sciences (1868).The Clarke family lived in Southampton from 1854 to 1881, the last twenty years in a fashionable Georgian property at 21, Carlton Crescent.Superintendent James retired in 1875 and he was succeeded by his deputy, Colonel John Cameron. The nature of the posting is not recorded but it had one happy outcome. It is discussed in the article on the Figure of the Earth in As soon as the proposal to unite a number of European triangulations had been made it was apparent that the effort would be of little benefit unless conversions between the different length units were established as accurately as possible.
The title pages of many of the reports mention only Colonel Henry James, Superintendent of the Ordnance Survey, but in every case it is made clear that Clarke was de facto author. <gml:SecondDefiningParameter> Ellipsoïde géodésique . <gml:name>Clarke 1880 (RGS)</gml:name> The comparisons were carried out under Clarke's supervision in a special building constructed at Survey headquarters in Southampton. In October 1883 he and "The medal which, in accordance with the usual rule has been devoted to mathematics and physics, has this year been awarded to Colonel A. Clarke for his comparison of standards of length, and determination of the figure of the earth. Unfortunately this did not happen because the infilling had been going on for fifty years of topographic surveying, with maps already published on a county basis.