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"It doesn't make sense to keep our assets... with allies who do not respect the embargo," a French defence official reportedly said.This latest row with France is only the latest issue to raise questions about Turkey's position within the alliance. France, meanwhile, is also thought to back Gen Haftar, although leaders in Paris have repeatedly denied this. It can, at its best, help to start a much-needed conversation between rival factions or countries. But it becomes problematic, murky, when seized upon by radical interventionists — and BHL is one, by most measures — who think military invasion is the ultimate solution, regardless of the disastrous “unintended consequences.”  As history has shown time and again, “the road to hell is paved with good intentions.”To talk about BHL and Libya — and by extension France’s presence in Africa — it helps a lot to start where BHL does not wish to start.

In BHL’s telling, he may be one of the last standing greats of the endangered species of the audacious intellectual who defies conventional wisdom, tells truth to power, and has no qualms about dying or being hated for their noble, enlightened ideas. To talk about BHL and Libya, and France’s presence in Africa, is to talk about the hell created by well-meaning and democracy crusaders. As Turkish writer Orhan Pamuk put it in a brilliant essay called “The Anger of the Damned,” “It is a great shame that the Western world pays so little attention to the overwhelming sense of humiliation felt by most people in the world.” For Pamuk, nothing has been more critical in pushing forth the so-called civilizational clash than the “West’s refusal to understand the anger of the damned.”This is exactly what transpired from most commentaries and news reports across Africa and the Middle East. Were France — and BHL — and its NATO allies really interested in “democratizing” Libya? That they have not forgotten; they cannot forget. There was an exchange of gunshots, as well as expressions of frustration and anger during the frenzy. Mostly, at least.

Petrole et developpement : le cas libyen.. [Yves Gazzo] These are external links and will open in a new windowFrance has temporarily pulled out of a Nato security operation amid a major row with Turkey.The defence ministry said France had suspended its role in Operation Sea Guardian, accusing Turkey of violating an arms embargo against Libya.It comes weeks after Turkish ships allegedly targeted a French warship in the Mediterranean - something Ankara strongly denies.The Nato allies are thought to support different sides in Libya's civil war.Riven by violence since Col Muammar Gaddafi was deposed by Nato-backed forces in 2011, the oil-rich nation is a key transit point for migrants heading to Europe from Africa.Currently, the UN-backed Government of National Accord (GNA) is battling against the forces of Gen Khalifa Haftar which control large parts of the east and south of Libya.French relations with Turkey have become increasingly strained in recent months because of the Libya crisis, Turkey's role in northern Syria, and also drilling in the eastern Mediterranean. Not when the country, once a revered regional actor, has still not emerged from the chaos and devastation that BHL’s advocacy, among others, brought on it. So are we,” he wrote.

“Some parties are fishing in troubled waters to serve specific political agendas,” But BHL got what he came for.

“But let’s be careful.

Get this from a library! And to cap it all there are wider tensions in the Mediterranean with its long-standing rival and fellow Nato-member, Greece. Not now at least. as the philosopher-journalist-activist-filmmaker is known in French and Francophone intellectuals circles, had come toHe says he wanted to understand and help explain: What has happened since he triumphantly visited the country in 2011, when he was the most vocal cheerleader of military intervention; what has since gone wrong; who are the “real culprits” of the horrendous news clips and gut-wrenching analyses that now come out of Libya; how to get out of the At least that was BHL’s plan, but unbeknown to him was the fact that most Libyans had plans of their own, too. The idea is that help is only helpful when it takes into account the needs and agency — social and historical — of the people one seeks to assist. To talk about BHL and Libya, and by extension France’s presence in Africa, is to talk about the hell created by well-meaning and self-proclaimed democracy crusaders.Morocco World News: Championing Free Speech and Thoughtful Debate Through Journalistic Excellence.Morocco World News is dedicated to bringing the news of Morocco and the MENA region to a wide audience without bias or a political agenda.Sign up to the best of our news, informed analysis and opinions on what matters to you.Thanks for subscribing! Turkey is pushing at the boundaries of what is acceptable within the alliance.

His voice, which he prefers to be lyrical, is resonant and sometimes affecting.

As he grapples to make sense of the fragile and explosive context in which Gaddafi was “murdered,” Ping presents BHL as the quintessential example of the banal disruptiveness of strategic overreach, ideological arrogance, and liberal romanticism. And what was it, exactly?

BHL delights in defiance. “It is one of the poverties of a time when nothing remotely related to greatness or even loftiness can be uttered without incurring the wrath or the modern Eumenides of bounded thinking,” Another piece on the same trip, written for WSJ, makes similar points, albeit in less philosophical language. The result is infuriating grandiosity and puerile outbursts of self-righteousness.