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Two of them started boycotting its meetings early on, while others became inactive over time so that now only two figures re-main active on a daily basis within the council: PC President Sarraj and his deputy, Ahmed Maiteeq.

Initially, the PC comprised nine members. Une rangée de soldats. Je vous remercie de bien vouloir m’indiquer la formulation la plus correcte. Un très grand nombre d'êtres ou de choses : Il y a dans le monde une multitude de malheureux. They knew with certainty that He was the promised Messiah, the Redeemer of the world. Exemples : - Une multitude de questions posées par les journalistes ont mis le ministre dans l’embarras. inscrire vtr verbe transitif: verbe qui s'utilise avec un complément d'objet direct (COD). La majorité des Français vote à droite (on insiste sur la majorité); Une majorité de Français votent à droite (on insiste sur les Français). Members and nonmembers worked together with one purpose.In Santiago, Chile, a Relief Society president had the desire to help immigrants in her community who had come from Haiti. They had been close to Him, and they had been witnesses of His divine mission, of the miracles that He performed, and of His Resurrection. Our path is not about what we have done or where we have been; it is about where we are going and what we are becoming, in unity. - Georges aborda la question devant une foule de participants gagnés (ou gagnée) à l’avance. Naturellement, j’opte pour le pluriel… Bien cordialement, Dali. F - Avec "une foule, une multitude, un tas", l'accord du verbe se réalise le plus souvent avec le complément : - Une foule de spectateurs encourageaient leur équipe. Il se met au pluriel quand le sujet est introduit par moins de deux. A very great number. [Middle English, from Old French, from Latin multitūdō, from multus, many; see mel- in Indo-European roots.] 7:10. The masses; the populace: the concerns of the multitude. La moitié des invités est partie ou une moitié des invités sont partis. Je souhaiterais obtenir une précision d’accord : l’ensemble des candidats ont (ou a) donné (son/leur) accord ? By counseling together with her priesthood leaders, she and other leaders came up with the idea to offer Spanish classes to those immigrants, helping them integrate better into their new home. "She found the cat." Lorsque le groupe est donneur d'accord, en position de sujet, il est important de déterminer comment doit se faire cet accord : avec le nom collectif, donc au singulier, ou avec le complément, pluriel. When we counsel together guided by the Holy Ghost, we can see where we are and where we need to be. Every Saturday morning, missionaries gather together with their eager students. - Une multitude d'oiseaux virevoltaient dans le ciel. They are one in purpose, in love, and in works, with “the will of the Son being swallowed up in the will of the Father.”How can we follow the Lord’s perfect example of unity with His Father and be more unified with Them and with each other?I think it is significant that the phrase “with one accord” appears several times in the book of Acts, where we read about what Jesus Christ’s followers did immediately after He ascended to heaven as a resurrected being, as well as the blessings they received because of their efforts. Définitions de multitude. ).Lorsqu'il est suivi du nom qui représente les éléments de cette collection (un groupe de soldats, une foule de manifestants, une multitude d'oiseaux, etc. SYLLEPSE All content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only. 3 mars 2020 à 16 h 16 min . Répondre. @GYMGLISH | POWERED BY GYMGLISH On a trip to Mexico to spend Christmas with my husband’s family, we visited a butterfly sanctuary, where millions of monarch butterflies spend the winter. Mais l’accord au singulier reste possible. Le commun des hommes, la masse, la foule, la populace. Sandrine Campese. Une multitude d'oiseaux). tude (mŭl′tĭ-to͞od′, -tyo͞od′) n. 1. They saw and touched the marks in His hands and feet. Ex : "J'écris une lettre". ©2020 Reverso Technologies Inc. All rights reserved Synonyms for multitude in Free Thesaurus.

La plupart Quand le sujet est un nom de fraction suivi d'un complément, le verbe s'accorde généralement avec ce nom et non avec le complément. Littéraire. As volunteers gathered together in one of our meetinghouses waiting for instructions, the mayor of the city of Ixhuatán broke down in tears as he saw such a manifestation of “the pure love of Christ.”The Lord is now giving us the opportunity to counsel together each month in our priesthood quorums and Relief Societies, so we can all be more active participants in our ward or branch kaleidoscope—a place where we all fit in and where we are all needed.Every one of our paths is different, yet we walk them together.

All quotations from De Cive are from the edition translated and edited by Richard Tuck and Michael Silverthorne as On the Citizen, Cambridge 1998; I have consistently substituted ‘multitude’ for ‘crowd’ as the translation of multitudo. L'accord se fait toujours au pluriel avec les noms collectifs dits " numéraux " (dizaine, cinquantaine, …

Rescuers went around the affected neighborhoods and transported whole families to one of our meetinghouses, where they received refuge and much needed help.