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“As I write this from Zimbabwe, where I recently witnessed firsthand the fall of a dictator, Robert Mugabe, who was only 2 years longer in office than Cameroon’s Paul Biya has been, I have to continue to hope that tyrannies in Africa will soon come to an end,” Bakare wrote.Robert Harvey, a distinguished professor at Stony Brook University who helped lead a campaign to get Nganang released, said his colleague’s supporters were overjoyed by the news.“It’s just wonderful, we’re all ecstatic,” Harvey said. “I would have been in jail today, and now I’m seeing my daughter play.

File: /home/bq60o9f5vzd9/public_html/ Nganang’s wife, Nyasha Bakare, told The Associated Press by email Wednesday that her husband had begun his trip back to the United States and would arrive in Washington D.C. on Thursday.

Friends of Patrice Nganang, this fundraiser is to help cover the legal fees to free our profes… Nyasha Bakare needs your support for FREE PATRICE NGANANG 2017 Patrice Nganang speaks on time in Cameroonian prison, governmental discrimination. The court in Yaounde early Wednesday announced he would be let go and that all charges against him were dropped.The charges included issuing a death threat; insulting constitutional bodies, specifically the military; and inciting violence in a Facebook post, according to the New York City-based Committee to Protect Journalists and other supporters.Nganang, an essayist and novelist, wrote an article for weekly news magazine The English-speaking minority in Cameroon has complained about discrimination by French speakers.

File: /home/bq60o9f5vzd9/public_html/ File: /home/bq60o9f5vzd9/public_html/

Patrice Nganang is on Facebook. Join Facebook to connect with Patrice Nganang and others you may know. File: /home/bq60o9f5vzd9/public_html/ Nganang’s wife, Nyasha Bakare, told The Associated Press by email Wednesday that her husband had begun his trip back to the United States and would arrive in Washington D.C. on Thursday. He is scheduled to work as a visiting professor at Princeton University in the spring. File: /home/bq60o9f5vzd9/public_html/ A US-BASED Zimbabwean woman says she is excited following the release of her Cameroonian husband who was detained for three weeks on charges of threatening to shoot that country’s president.Early last month, Nyasha Bakare, who was born in Zimbabwe but now lives in the US, led a global campaign to free her husband, Patrice Nganang, who had been arrested at an airport in Yauonde, Cameroon.A dual US and Cameroonian citizen and a professor at New York’s Stony Brook University, Nganang was arrested when he was about to board a flight to Harare to meet Bakare and their daughter, Nomsa aged eight years for the festive holiday.Bakare and Nomsa were visiting relatives in Zimbabwe.Nganang was arrested on 6 December, denied bail and remanded to a maximum security prison on charges that he had threatened to shoot Cameroon president, Paul Biya.“Patrice faces charges in Cameroon linked to his writings critical of the Cameroonian situation and government. Pour l’avocat, «[o]Si le Cameroun reste divisé entre soutiens de Nganang et partisans de Paul Biya, à l’international, une campagne pour la libération de l’écrivain s’organise : Nyasha Bakare, épouse de Patrice Nganang, lit ainsi un extrait de Souscrire à nos flux RSS et profils sociaux pour recevoir les mises à jour.Entrez vos coordonnées ci-dessous ou cliquez sur une icône pour vous connecter: File: /home/bq60o9f5vzd9/public_html/ File: /home/bq60o9f5vzd9/public_html/ by Mike Adams Featured News Top Story January 16, 2018 “I am simply happy, and filled with love and gratitude,” Nganang said. File: /home/bq60o9f5vzd9/public_html/ YAOUNDE, Cameroon – A New York literature professor held in the Central African nation of Cameroon since early this month after writing an article that criticized the government was released Wednesday, his lawyer said.Stony Brook University Professor Patrice Nganang was expelled from Cameroon and has been told not to return to the country where he was born, lawyer Emmanuel Simh said.Nganang, 37, who has dual citizenship in Cameroon and the United States, had faced a Jan. 19 hearing after being detained Dec. 7. Gaston Bellemare C.M.,O.Q., D.h.c.