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394, 883–899 (2002).

Aleksandr Mosenkov, Sergey Savchenko, Alexander Marchuk Momany, Y. et al. Scientific Journal Selector (2018-2019), we collect latest information of SCI journals, include ISSN, h-index, CiteScore, online submission URL, research area, subject area, submission experience, etc. Open Access options available Journal metrics 16.000 (2019) Impact factor 13.650 (2019) Five year impact factor 75 days Submission to first decision 159 days Submission to … Lin-Hui Wu, Qing-Wen Wu, Jian-Chao Feng, Ru-Sen Lu, Xu-Liang Fan
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Francesca Matteucci; Publishing model Hybrid. Kniazev, Oleg Yu. <>

RAA has a worldwide audience. Hui-Jie Han, Xiao-Ping Lu, Ya-Zhou Yang, Hao Zhang, Admire Muchimamui Mutelo Xiao-Dong Xu, Jian-Rong Shi, Jun-Bo Zhang, Ze-Ming Zhou Nan Song, Sofya Alexeeva, Gang Zhao Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics (RAA) publishes research in the rapidly growing area of astronomy and astrophysics.

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Huber, Fonding Editor, summarises its content and is full of praise.© Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature © 2020 Springer Nature Switzerland AG. This means that each accepted article is being published immediately online with DOI and article citation ID with starting page number 1. Yang Yang, Zhi-Bo Jiang, Zhi-Wei Chen, Shao-Bo Zhang, Shu-Ling Yu, Yi-Ping Ao The observed temperature distribution of contact binaries derived from SDSS photometry 5-600-400-200 0 200 400 4000 4500 5000 5500 6000 6500 7000 7500 8000 Saikat Das, Nirupam Roy All important fields are reviewed from time to time, with the frequency of review depending on the amount of research activity. LAMOST MRS-N RV 3 The large field of view (5 ), relatively higher resolution (7500), and dedicated wavelength cover- age (6300–6800A, thus coveringthe emission lines˚ Hα, [NII]λλ6548,6584, and [SII]λλ6717,6731) make LAMOSTII MRS an ideal spectroscopic survey to … A leading journal selection tool is available free of charge for authors to find the best fit for their manuscript. %PDF-1.4 ?����O�ҁ���O�Z��e�b����z�{�f��n/'a��>��I��l���X��{:x���O���b2^)�����B#VN�����^M�&l_�]e�ٙ�G���h�o�ˤٛOX'��|5A[�O�|Ƕ^�����.^�٧�$��ғ�Z����HE�PQ��Y ��O���r%K��=Bj�Y �cg�[��LgҐ��32R��I�[?Y��o���M:N���'������΅��:�`M�2B�B4r￙{��KC�܋ �&&���VV�c�K3KG����F�sr�s��t�T�K�'2S R�+b�[�W����yj�-��r髮!|��~]��4�f������n��0�#^�Й�1�l����k:&�%z �e>0z-�>�{PE�9��-��#�s�C��"L�Yf��!�P��� \�/抨�sȅF����m��q�V)[�7H������o$��n�:i�YV��f߼~N;���W��_��}En��T́��')�I��8ε��'��B�Q�Ov�~���o��_��F�Iς0+��Ib���+�Ha� ��-7��? Fig.1: A representativeexampleof multicycle He-shell flashes on the surface of a 1.2M⊙ ONe WD, in which we set the mass-accretion rate (M˙ %�쏢 Alexei Yu. Part of 4 Y. Guo et al. Martin C.E. Fully open access journals make all published articles immediately free to read and reuse without any subscription charges or access fees. Jing Wang, Yu-Lei Qiu, Jian-Yan Wei �i�1$M�[����vD4���M�mlYF7g�uV{r�\�)z��+�a�P���y�0��G��=cI��I��Fg���Q�{�,/wpJ�0�23- �'W������S,m�g�����2Żr��C���R`(��#jvBi+;�m%,�B�G0�9Xa �X+Z߃��z "D��u]���#�=Ik�2��ɞAO= �!�N4��2�@0K�]�Y\Ԉ~ �o&� �o��� P��#�y������m޾�}r���8{�������?���٧�7Z�La�-<6䛐+���a� Journal Abbreviation: ASTRON ASTROPHYS Journal ISSN: 0004-6361.

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View all articles %�쏢 Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics (RAA) publishes research in the rapidly growing area of astronomy and astrophysics. Fei-Xiang Wang, Fang-Yu Xu, Jie Guo, Zhi-Jun Zhao, Rui-Ting Hao, Jian-Guo Xiao, Yu-Chao Jia, Shan-Jie Huang Jing Xu, Ali Esamdin, Guo-Jie Feng, Guang-Xin Pu, Yi Hu, Ke-Liang Hu, Xu Yang, Jin-Xin Hao, Yan-Jie Xue, Xu Zhou, Shu-Guo Ma, Abudusaimaitijiang Yisikandee, Le-Tian Wang, Xuan Zhang, Chun-Hai Bai, Peng Wei, Liang Ming, Lu Ma, Jin-Zhong Liu, Yun-Ying Jiang