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Traduzione di “Petite Émilie” Francese → Inglese, testi di Keen’V.

He made his breakthrough with the single "J'aimerais trop&quo…

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Translation of 'Petite Émilie' by Keen’V (Kevin Bonnet) from French to English

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Some user-contributed text on this page is available under the Keen'V feat Lorelei B La vie du bon coté paroles - Duration: 3:28.

He made his breakthrough with the single "J'aimerais trop" during 2011, peaking at number 3 on the Fre…

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Contribuzione al sito: 60 traduzioni, ringraziato 281 volte, ha soddisfatto 14 richieste ha aiutato 12 membri, ha lasciato 10 commenti

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He made his breakthrough with the single "J'aimerais trop" during 2011, peaking at number 3 on the French Singles Chart.

Keen'v - Petite Émilie [Paroles] HQ - Duration: 3:24.