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23tti gurgurameLammiin Yugaandaa Cheepteegeen, Daayimandi Liigii Moonaakootti geggeeffamerratti riikoordii fiigicha meetira 5,000 kan waggoota 16'f qabamee ture sekondii lamaan kan cabse.Namtichi qurxummii hamaa haadha warraasaa liqimsaa ture utaalee dugdarra bu'ee rukkutee harkaa buufateSuuraan Barliiniitti namtichi laaptooppii booyyeen jalaa fudhannaan harkaa buufachuuf harii'aa ture midiiyaaratti garmalee qoodame.Hoji-gaggeessaa olaalaan kaampaanii Apple kan ta'an Tiim Kuuk gatiin aksiyoona kubaaniyaasaanii dabalaa dhufuusaatiin tarree biiliyoonarootaa keessa galaniiru.Filannoo Pirezidaantummaa US marsaa 46ffaaf qondaalli paartii Rippaabilikaanii Doonaald Tiraamp fi kan paartii Dimokiraatotaa Joo Baayidan Sadaasa dhufu gaafa bultii 03,2020 walii ba’uuf jiru.Biiftuun gaaf gaaf diimattee mul'atti. Sochiin kun yero ilaalamu ammoo Piriimer Liigiin kun deebiyee jalqabaminnaa? የቢቢሲ ወርልድ ሰርቪስ - አማርኛ ትክክለኛ የፌስቡክ ገጽ። ቢቢሲ ወርልድ ሰርቪስ በዓለም ዙሪያ ዜና፣ትንታኔና ታሪኮችን በ40 ቋንቋዎች ያቀርባል። Ethiopian reporter covers Ethiopian politics, economy, entertainment, sports, etc.

Ethiopia related news and features. Hidden crime affecting hundreds of … Ethiopia’s confirmed COVID-19 cases reached 27, 242 after 1,038 new COVID-19 positive cases were confirmed on Friday, the country’s Ministry of Health said.

Get the latest Ethiopian news today at This photo shows the dam at the end of 2019 rainy season

Lii ammoo loltuu Biritish.

By Damian Zane BBC News.
A large reservoir is beginning to form behind the dam

... State media in Ethiopia has backtracked after reports that suggested the dam was being filled deliberately. Garuu maaliif jettanii of gaafattanii beektuu?

kan jedhu gaaffii kaasaa jira.

On average, the total annual flow of the Blue Nile is 49bcm.

Paartiin Badhaadhinaa damee Oromiyaa miseensa koree jiddugaleessaa Paartii Badhaadhinaa biyyoolessaa ittisuu danda'aa? bbc news, ethiopia deep in the gorge country that falls off the ethiopian plateau, workers in boots and hard hats are hammering, drilling, blasting and digging their way into the mountainside for the. Seenaa ishee guutu dubbifadhaa.Ministirri Muummee Itoophiyaa har'a namoota 10 muuduun, Ministira Raayyaa Ittisaa kan turan Obboo Lammaa Magarsaa aangoorraa kaasuun bakka isaaniitti ammoo Dr Qana'aa Yaadataa mudaniiru.Gartuun walta'iinsa idil-addunyaa talaallii Covid-19 irratti hojjatu 'Gavi' jedhamu biyyoonni akkatti talaalliin raabfamu ammaa qabanii itti yaaduu qabu jedha.Koroonaavaayiras Afriikaanonni ittisa weerara kanaaf kalaqawwan hedduu akka akka kalaqan kakaaseera.Addunyaa raasaa kan jiru Covid-19, sammuu keenyarraan miidhaa hamman hin jedhamne geessisaa jiraachuu qorattoonni dubbachaa jiru.Paarkii indaasatirii naannoo Sidaamaa magaalaa Hawaasaa keessatti argamu keessatti namoonni 100 ol Covid-19n qabamuu Institiyuutiin Fayyaa Hawaasaa naannichaa Dr Maatee Mangashaa BBCtti himaniiru.Naannoolee garaa garaatti weerarri Covid-19 hojjattoota fayyaa irratti babalataa jiraachuu itti gaafatamtoonni biiroo fayyaa naannoolee BBCn dubbisee mirkaneessan.Hojjettoota hospitaala keessaa meeshaalee of eggannoo gurguranSirboota warraaqsaa sirbuun kan beekamu weellisaa Ittiiqaa Tafarii koronaavaayirasiirraa dandamachaa akka jiruufi wallee haaraa akka harkaa qabu BBC'tti hime.Qondaaltonni Filippiins waan jettu sirrii miti jedhanis pirezidantiin biyyattii waan qorannoon hin mirkanoofne dubbachuu hin dhiifne.Biyyoota gara kaaba waaltaatti argamaniif amma gara waqtii qorraafi qufaan itti hamaatutti deemaa jira. Sudan and Egypt are worried about the flow of the Nile in future years of drought

1935-1941 - Italy deposes Emperor Haile Selassie and annexes Ethiopia, before being driven out by British, Commonwealth and Ethiopian forces.

... Africa Today … Kanneen ijoo ta'an kami?Obbo Jawaar Mohaammad dhukkubsachuu isaanii mana murtiitti himanGara geessituu alaatti akkaataa itti hojjennu dubbisi. Magaalota Oromiyaa bakkeewwan gara garaatti kanneen mormiif bahan poolisiitti bu'un lubbuun darbu jiraattonniifi maddeen hospitaalaa BBC'tti himan.Erga jijjiiramni siyaasaa Itoophiyaa keessatti dhufuu eegalee hoggantoonni dafanii jijjiiramu muudamni haaraan wayita taasifamu dhagahama. Haata'u malee, erga dhiyoo asiitii kilaboonni Liigichii taphattoota haaraa mallatteessifachuufi warreen duraan turan waliin ammoo waliigaltee haaromsuuf sosocho'aa jiru. At that point, the lake that will be created could stretch back some 250km (155 miles) upstream. Between each subsequent flood season the reservoir will be lowered to 49.3bcm.Egypt, which almost entirely relies on the Nile for its water needs, is concerned that in most years of the filling it is not guaranteed a specific volume.And once the filling stage is over, Ethiopia is reluctant to be tied to a figure of how much water to release as when fully operational, the dam will become the largest hydro-electric plant in Africa.In years of normal or above average rainfall that should not be a problem, but Egypt is nervous about what might happen during prolonged droughts that could last several years.Some 450,000 pupils are having their grades withdrawn on the eve of results day. 16 July 2020.

Get the latest ethiopian news today at ezega . ... BBC News - Duration: 11:18. ነሐሴ 16, 2020 የኦነግ አመራር አባላት ስለ ውዝግቡ ምን ይላሉ? News about Ethiopia, including commentary and archival articles published in The New York Times.