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These are external links and will open in a new windowThe Mogho Naba played a key role in brokering the return of civilian rule to Burkina Faso after last week's military takeover. He took over the throne in 1983 from his late father, Naba Kougri.He was a university Lecturer and presently a writer.He told visitors that decision making starts and ends with women.” Before making any decision, I must seek the consent of the queen mother ” he said.Journalist, Baongo II (left) regularly receives the great and the good News Presenter, He engages his various guests through his spokesperson, Larle Naba, his minister of communication and custodian of oral tradition and folklore.

These are external links and will open in a new window The title means the "king of the world" in the language of the Mossi community, who constitute about 40% of the country's population of 17 million people.Once a powerful master over his Mossi subjects, the authority of the Mogho Naba was significantly curtailed during Nowadays, the Mogho Naba is seen as a symbol of tradition. Un bref résumé des évènements de l'époque est raconté dans le livre Au Burkina Faso, fêter Thomas Sankara est de nouveau un sport nationalAu Burkina, la dissolution du RSP devrait permettre d'éclaircir définitivement la mort de SankaraAu Burkina, la dissolution du RSP devrait permettre d'éclaircir définitivement la mort de SankaraQuand le Président du Burkina Faso se réfugie à l'ambassade française, symbole du passé colonialLe retour d'exil de Mariam Sankara, un symbole fort pour le Burkina FasoLa dépouille de Thomas Sankara exhumée, le Burkina Faso retient son souffleAu Burkina, le général Diendéré, auteur du coup d'Etat, inculpé pour «attentat»La fin du général Diendéré ouvre une nouvelle ère au Burkina FasoQuels scénarios possibles au Burkina Faso après le coup d'Etat? He took over the throne in 1983 from his late father, Naba … And it was no surprise that the coup leader, Brig-Gen Gilbert Diendere, paid Baongo II a visit following the announcement earlier this week that army units were bearing down on Ouagadougou to disarm his soldiers. Since the uprising of October 2014, when President Blaise Compaore was forced to resign by massive street protests, protagonists of the crisis have taken turns visiting his compound, seeking to benefit from his wisdom. Out of respect for tradition, it is customary for powerbrokers seeking to establish a foothold in Ouagadougou to seek his symbolic approval. – Mogho Naba Baongo II, Award for Peace recipient The Mogho Naba was unanimously selected as recipient of the Award for Peace in 2015. C’est un Mogho Naaba Baongo très rassurant qui s’est adressé, ce mardi 31 mars, aux Burkinabè sur la nécessité du respect strict des mesures préventives. En donnant lui-même l’exemple, il appelle au respect strict des mesures et consignes édictées par les autorités sanitaires. Baongo II is well suited to such diplomacy - he is Western-educated, speaks French eloquently, is an avid football fan and was a one-time boxer.But in official functions, he only speaks Moore, his mother tongue. Mogho Naba Bsongo 11 of Ouagadougou is one of the five chiefs of the Mossi people of Burkina Faso. The BBC's Lamine Konkobo has this profile of the traditional ruler.Mogho Naba is the title of the reigning monarch of the Mossi ethnic group and reigns over a traditional kingdom that dates back to the 12th Century. He later returned again when presidential guards, in July this year, stormed a cabinet meeting to demand his resignation from the government. Naba Kougri (born Moussa Congo) (1930 – 8 December 1982) was, according to the traditional order, the 36th Mogho Naba of Ouagadougou, the king of the Mossi people of Burkina Faso. References Benoit Beucher, Manger le pouvoir au Burkina Faso. The Mogho Naba (also Moro Naba, Morho Naba, Mogh-Naba or Moogo Naaba), literally head (naba) of the world (moro), is the monarch of Wogodogo (Ouagadougou), one of the Mossi Kingdoms located in present-day Burkina Faso.The kingdom takes its name from its historic capital, now the Burkinabé national capital of Ouagadougou.Although the most politically powerful of the Mossi Kingdoms, there … The BBC's Lamine Konkobo profiles the Mogho Naba, the Burkina Faso monarch who has played a key role in brokering the return of civilian rule after last week's coup. Programme Anchor, Le Mogho Naaba, titre porté par le roi du royaume mossi de Ouagadougou, est une autorité traditionnelle qui a conservé une influence politique dans le Burkina Faso moderne. The choice reflected his role in mediating for the cause of peace in Burkina Faso and also regionally for many years, including during the insurrection that led to end of Blaise Compaore’s presidency. Le Mogho Naaba auteur d'un coup d'Etat After 10 days of protests, Alexander Lukashenko says he has given orders to end the unrest in Minsk.

Naba Baongo II is the current Mogho Naba, the king of the Mossi people of Burkina Faso. The king is said to have played a key role in helping Burkina Faso avoid a bloodbath as negotiations between officers from both side of the military spectrum took place in pursuit of an end to the stand-off following last week's coup.