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An estimated 69% of the population belonged to various Christian That is why most non-Muslims have limited knowledge about the religion. Colonial administrators recognized the omnipresence of religion in the repertoire of life in Gold Coast and further deepened it by legislating the bishop of the Anglican Church, the official Church of England, to preside over all ceremonial events in the country.During the struggle against colonialism, Nkrumah, who had had missionary education, and was at the threshold of becoming a priest, appropriated Christian text to reify the fight for emancipation of black Africa. If I'm correct thanks for the information.It was a helpful source to find info for my presentationI needed this information for a presentation, I will say this site has been very helpful and I recommend it to all.It like your site info because you include all relgion composition that being in ghana.i did not know before there is rastfrianism in ghana.from ethopiawhat is the percentage for the religions in Judaism Hinduism and Buddhism that are believed inI had a homework for Geography thank goodness I found it.hello this information is useful! number of Muslims are Shi'a. The 2010 Census has it that about 70 percent of Ghanaians claims to be Christians, while 17 percent claims to be Muslims. The two religions are missionary oriented that have the intense desire to win souls for their respective gods. to Ghana, combines elements of both Islam and Christianity. 16 July 2002. On the other hand, they are asking the state to stay away from imposing dress code on Muslim workers, particularly nurses, who are compelled to remove the hijab when they are on duty: thus, appealing to religion against the state [secularism].

In 1995, the Muslims, under the aegis of the national chief Imam, Sheikh Osman Nuhu Sharubutu, also had two festivals: Id Adhar and Id Fitir recognized as public holidays.It is the centrality of religion in everyday life in Ghana that explains the rapid response of Christians to Rawlings when he had wanted to temper with religious freedom in the country. Christian denominations

According to statistics released in 2012, 74.1% of the entire population of Ghana practice Christianity while Islam has around 17.5% of the entire population. Usually the Tinjaniyya and Ahlussuna Wal'Jama Muslims have often been locked up in conflicts. So, here they invoke the constitutional injunction to incriminate the Christian-oriented schools for 'coercing' Muslim pupils to participate in religious rituals: such as praying, singing of hymns, and reading the bible. First of all, it must be stated that the two religions, Islam and Christian, are competitors and not complementary: This website is for people of various faiths who seek to understand Islam and Muslims. This is because with my relative rich background in Islamic studies, I cannot participate in Islamic rituals without first becoming a Muslim. I must also say that historically Islam predates Christianity in Ghana.The religion was introduced to the people of Gold Coast about 100 years before Christianity. Islam is also the religion of a number of Ghanaians especially in the Northern region since the time of Ancient Ghana.

All these prominent Muslims had secular education, tinted with Christian values, and yet did not lose their Islamic identity.In conclusion, both Muslims and Christians would resist the practice of politicians making a political capital out of a perceived religious tension. In Ghana, the Shi'a population is very negligible, so tension in Islam has been within one particular sect, the Sunni. denominations, 16% were Muslims (though Muslim leaders claim the number A close analysis of the contention reveals that Muslims are fighting a contradictory battle: On one hand they are asking for a complete secularization of the education system to free Muslims pupils from taking part in Christian rituals: thus, appealing to the state [secularism] against religion. been beaten or lynched and occasionally banished to "witch Post-colonial Ghana witnessed attempts by the political elites to secularize education to make it religiously free for people of different religious background. It is because of the pervasiveness of religion that virtually every major national event in Ghana begins from prayers: from the Christians, Muslims and African Traditional Religion.Thus, though Ghana is a secular country, the preamble of the 1992 Constitution begins with, 'In the name of Almighty God.' So, the so-called religious tension in Ghana should give way to dialogue, tact and diplomacy. Rastafarianism, and indigenous religions. Society of Friends. Dr. Mohammed Ben Abdullah, then Security for Education, Hon. camps," which are small villages in the north primarily populated !All trademarks and copyrights on this page are owned by their respective owners. The Muslim merchants had a large influence on the town of Kumbi Saleh, their Islamic faith spread in the kingdom of Ghana.